Hello! Professionally I'm know as Dr Henderson, but in my personal circles... I'm just Ernesto. At least that's what people call me. But what does it really mean to be, Ernesto? What does it mean to be anybody?
When you try to break down the question, in the physical sense, I'm just one well developed organ - The Brain.
It's kinda crazy when you think about it. This very soft, squishy, poorly understood, difficult to replicate, mass of squiggly tissues locked away in a dark skull, bathed cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), is my entire existence. But, that's not just for me, that for all of us! Each and every one of us has a unique and special brain… locked away. This brain uses all of our other organs to understand the world around it. It's odd, but we don't usually think of "being" a brain, but that we "have" a brain. Yet, without our brains, we wouldn't really be us....right? So we can ask ourselves more questions. What if I put my brain into another body? Is it me? What if we could upload it onto a cloud server ( like in aware winning Netflix episode of Black Mirror: San Junipero). Would that still be me?
My brain: an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
Am I really just a collection of tissue or am I more?